Tiger Lilies

Tiger Lilies are one of the oldest, hardiest and long lived species in cultivation, hybridized for gardens rather than florists, they are easy to grow and care for and will flower abundantly through late summer. Though the flowers are not as large as some other lilies, their bright colour and prominent black freckles make them really stand out. The pendulous flowers have recurved petals in warm shades of gold, orange and red. Blossoms may be single or double. Shiny, black, pea-sized bulblets line the 90-120 cm stems. Plant in moist, humus rich, well-drained soil in a sunny spot (with afternoon shade in warmer climates). Water in well and keep moist when actively growing. Add fertiliser and mulch in Autumn and Summer to encourage flowering. Bulbs will multiply each year and only need dividing if they become overcrowded.
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