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Pre-Chilled Anemones

Anemone coronaria is also known as the Poppy Anemone as it looks like a poppy with its saucer shaped flowers with dark centres. The lovely single De Caen and double St Brigid flowers are framed by ferny foliage. Successive planting from February to May will result in extra-long flowering. Woodland Anemone (Anemone blanda) is a low-growing perennial that bears daisy like flowers in early spring in a range of colours including blue, purple, pink and white with attractive dark green foliage. A.k.a. windflower because the flower heads turn away from wind. It's perfect for naturalising under trees and shrubs, where its early spring blooms attract pollinators such as bees. It tolerates shade and looks lovely when planted with English bluebells. Outstanding cut flower and will last 2 to 3 weeks in a vase.

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